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Weird Wood

Cabaret maestro Aidan Sadler commands the stage in "Weird Wood", a late-night variety show extravaganza🎉🎉 Their dramatic flair, stunning singing & playful audience interaction transform The Pleasance into the weekend’s #hottest gig🎊 The spectacle unfolds with a dazzling light show, creating the perfect atmosphere for a lavish burlesque treat— #toptip, the best seats are right at the front...

First up, Belle De Beauvoir's (@belledebeauvoir) fabulously interactive costume enhances every coquettish move. In a 🔥 🔥 dance display complete with full splits, De Beauvoir brings glitz, glam & (of course) nipple tassels…

Next on stage is Bolly Illusion (@bolly_illusion), whose eclectic music medley immediately grabs our attention🎶 However, head-spinning shifts between #Bollywood, #BritPop, and #RnB with no clear connection turn the performance from innovative to perplexing...

Nat Funni (@natfunni) follows with a delightfully quirky act that cleverly combines #puppetry and #burlesque. Instead of the usual seductive disrobing, her cat-puppet gloves🧤🐱 are playfully removed in a feline scuffle over a mouse. Sure, the performance takes time to warm up, but its creative storytelling pushes the boundaries of traditional burlesque, effortlessly blending sexy & absurd. Sidebar, we need these gloves…

Finally, Enrico Touché (@simonambrosebrown) exemplifies why classic slapstick still #slaps. Inviting volunteers into a vigorous handshaking session —no, that is not a euphemism🤝— our pants-less businessman gets weirder & funnier as he pulls out props from a holy briefcase to his darling piggy bank squeaky-toy, which, btw, is the key to his resurrection. If all of that only sort of makes sense to you, then, congrats, you get the #WTF vibe of this performance…

In all, “Weird Wood” artfully blends the traditional & the unconventional. When even the stage manager ditches the ninja black outfit for an Alice in Wonderland-esque ensemble, you know you're in for a treat. This one-of-a-kind #cabaret is a riotous celebration of all things peculiar. 4/5⭐

#london #fringeshow #varietyshow