
Springheel Productions plunges us into the raw, immersive universe of "endings.", a gig-theatre spectacle reverberating in the midst of Dublin Fringe. It's a Faustian reboot, a narrative of grief and choice, coloured by grim humour and underpinned by an original electronic score that blends rap, pop, and hip hop…🎤🎶

Our protagonist, Henry, enmeshed in the profound sorrow of loss, meets a mysterious, devilish figure, and a life-altering proposition is laid before him😈 His struggle, depicted through potent voice acting and the agile interplay between light and sound, swirls with vibrancy and tension…🔊

This one-man show sees writer and performer, Fionntán Larney, seamlessly swing between roles using microphones and voice distortion, creating a vivid dichotomy between Henry's soft, hesitating demeanour and the arrogant, seductive charisma of the devil. It's an alluring dance between the visual and auditory, where recorded voices breathe life into unseen characters…

Every aspect, from set to sound design, draws the audience into a world where the boundary between the observer and the performer blurs. There’s a hint of Darren Aronofsky’s grim irony in the way the devil breaks the fourth wall and transforms the audience into arbiters of Henry's fate, prompting reflections on agency, choice, and consequence⚠️🔛 It's a participatory revelation, probing the extent of our influence and the illusion of control…

By the end, the performance doesn’t promise a happy resolution but delivers an uplifting note albeit tinged with regret. "endings" is a full-bodied experience, a fusion of genres and art forms that captivates and provokes, leaving the audience to ponder the paths they tread and the deals they make. 4/5⭐

#gigtheatre #darkhumour #dublintheatre #projectartscentre


